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The Story behind our Logo Featured




Ishttaa in South Indian Language Kannada means “LIKE”. Ishttaa is formless and Ishttaa is a feeling, which has no visual shape to symbolize. To depict logo of Ishttaa, a smiling face was reflected. Smile is a natural phenomenon of good work and so is Ishttaa (Like). SMILE is acknowledgement of liking. So we continue to work passionately till our work manifests into SMILE. Like is an integral part of smile. Like has no shape but smile does hence the lovely curve below last two letters of Ishttaa which represents SMILE.



Ishttaa has colours of Red, white and Yellow. Red as a background depicts passion in everything Ishttaa does, words of Ishttaa are in white which revels purity and the curve is in yellow which symbolises Friendship, as Ishttaa works as one team with its fellow teammates and its customers.